San Bartolome Adventist Elementary School

San Bartolome Sto.Tomas Batangas

Daily Schedule

Morning classes start at 7:15.Pupils,however,should be in the school premises at 7:00 for the flag ceremony. In the afternoon,classes resume at 1:00.

Thus,pupils should be in the school premises 15 minutes before the start of their classes.


The pupils shall wait for their respective teachers to announce the dismissal time.

Parents are requested not to take their children from classes before dismissal except for urgent reasons only,and with prior approval of the class adviser.

Pupils shall be fetched at the school gate on time to prevent them from loitering around the school premises. Accidents usually happen after class hours.

Pupils who are not fetched should go home by themselves immediately.Those who eat lunch in the school are to remain in their classrooms as expected by their parents.

Admission Requirements

General Policies

1. The enrollment of the pupil in the SBAES signifies his/her willingness to subscribe to all policies,rules,and regulations and cooperate with school authorities.

2. The parents/guardians are expected to visit the school and confer with the teachers regarding their children's academic progress and deportment standing.

They are,likewise,sent letters which they must be attend to s official communication between home and school.

3. SBAES reserve the right to admit,readmit,refuse,suspend,or dismiss a student based on his/her academic performance,behavior,and attendance.

The school,likewise,has the right to turn down the reenrollment of a pupilin any grade level.